Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Emotion Code?
The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It focuses on identifying and releasing trapped emotions, which are believed to be underlying causes of physical and emotional issues. Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that can become lodged in the body during intense emotional experiences, leading to various problems.

How does the Emotion Code work?
The Emotion Code works by using muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify trapped emotions. Once identified, these trapped emotions are released using a simple, non-invasive technique that involves rolling a magnet or the practitioner's hand along the body's governing meridian.

What are the benefits of the Emotion Code?

Benefits of the Emotion Code include:
  • Relief from chronic pain and discomfort
  • Improved emotional well-being and mood
  • Enhanced physical health and vitality
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Better relationships and communication
  • Increased mental clarity and focus
What are trapped emotions?
Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that can become lodged in the body during times of intense emotional stress. These trapped emotions can disrupt the flow of energy in the body, leading to physical discomfort, emotional imbalances, and other health issues.

How can trapped emotions affect my health?
Trapped emotions can create imbalances in the body's energy system, leading to various physical and emotional problems. They can cause pain, contribute to chronic illness, and affect mental health by triggering anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues. Releasing trapped emotions can help restore balance and promote overall well-being.

What is the Body Code?
The Body Code is a holistic healing system developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It aims to identify and correct imbalances in the body and mind, which may contribute to physical and emotional issues. The system uses muscle testing to find underlying causes of problems, such as trapped emotions, nutritional deficiencies, and structural misalignments, and employs various techniques to address these imbalances.

How does the Body Code work?
The Body Code operates on the principle that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when imbalances are corrected. Practitioners use muscle testing (also known as applied kinesiology) to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify sources of imbalance. Once identified, these imbalances can be addressed using various methods, including energy healing, chiropractic adjustments, and dietary changes.

What are the benefits of the Body Code?

Benefits of the Body Code include:
  • Relief from chronic pain and discomfort
  • Improved emotional well-being
  • Enhanced physical health and energy levels
  • Better sleep and reduced stress
  • Increased clarity and mental focus
What is the Belief Code?
The Belief Code is a complementary system to the Body Code, also developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It focuses on identifying and transforming limiting beliefs that may be hindering personal growth and well-being. By changing these beliefs, individuals can experience positive shifts in their lives and achieve their goals more effectively.

How does the Belief Code work?
The Belief Code uses muscle testing to identify subconscious beliefs that may be limiting or harmful. Once these beliefs are identified, various techniques are employed to reprogram the subconscious mind, replacing negative or limiting beliefs with positive and empowering ones. Techniques may include affirmations, visualization, and other cognitive-behavioral methods.

What are the benefits of the Belief Code?

Benefits of the Belief Code include:
  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Greater success in personal and professional endeavors
  • Enhanced relationships and communication
  • Increased motivation and goal achievement
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
Are there any risks or side effects?
The Body Code and Belief Code are generally considered safe and non-invasive. As with any healing modality, it is essential to work with a certified and experienced practitioner to ensure the best results. Some individuals may experience mild emotional releases or temporary discomfort as trapped emotions or imbalances are addressed, but these effects are usually short-lived.
How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the complexity of their issues. Some people may experience significant improvements in just a few sessions, while others may require more extended treatment. Your practitioner will help you determine a personalized plan based on your specific needs and goals.

Will I Feel the Emotional Release?
Short answer: Probably   Longer answer:  Most of my clients describe diverse sensations as energy leaves their bodies and the energy that is left is redistributed . These sensations range from yawning (a significant indicator of energy release), experiencing chills, waves of nausea, momentary headaches, occasional burping or gas, surges from the core to the extremities, and beyond. Each individual's experience varies. Some may directly feel the emotion being released, such as anger or sadness, while others may feel nothing, which is entirely acceptable and typical.
Will energy healing work if I don't believe?
Short Answer: Yes   Longer answer:  Intention is extremely powerful. Our combined intention to correct imbalances in the body and release trapped emotional energy will yield far greater results than if I am doing it on my own. Intention does not equal belief so you can set an intention and sideline the belief decision until later.  Aren't you glad! 
Who can benefit from an energy healing session?
Short answer: EVERYONE ON THE PLANET Longer answer: Anyone experiencing physical, emotional, or mental challenges can benefit from the Body Code and Belief Code. These systems are suitable for people of all ages and can be used to address a wide range of issues, from chronic pain and illness to emotional traumas and limiting beliefs.
How often should I have an energy healing session?
Short Answer: once a week  Longer answer:  Typically, it takes 2-6 days to fully process the last session. I've discovered that clients derive greater benefit from scheduling sessions a week or more apart. This timeframe not only permits the body to process but also allows for adjustment to the absence of the old energy that was released. It also enables buried layers of energy to emerge, manifesting as new thoughts, memories, or symptoms. 
How long will it take for energy healing to resolve my issue/s? 
Short answer: It varies from person to person Longer answer:  Energy healing often unfolds in layers. As we address the imbalances in your body, you might notice gradual relief or even feel no change until after a few sessions , when sudden resolution occurs. Each issue and individual varies greatly, making outcomes unpredictable. Some issues may clear right away, while others may require more time to resolve.
How do I prepare for a session?
Short answer: Set an intention to allow healing to happen.  Longer answer: Deciding on a few topics such as career, relationships, or physical symptoms that you are having will help guide the session and lead to quicker results. 
What happens during the session? 
We'll start by discussing your session goals and I'll ask relevant questions while performing muscle tests to ensure your body's readiness. Then, we'll proceed. I'll share my screen so you can follow along and ask any questions. You'll see firsthand how I take notes, which will be emailed to you afterward. Transparency is key—we're in this together, actively participating to bring healing and balance to your body.
What should I expect after a session? 
Short answer: This varies from person to person Longer answer:  Many people express feeling "lighter or happier".  Some people express feeling tired and needing a nap or the opposite, they feel full of energy.  About 60-70 % of my clients will report "processing" symptoms that will range from yawning (a significant indicator of energy release), experiencing chills, waves of nausea, momentary headaches, occasional burping or gas, surges from the core to the extremities, and beyond. Each individual's experience varies. Some may directly feel the emotion being released, such as anger or sadness, while others may feel nothing, which is entirely acceptable and typical.
What is processing and what are the symptoms?
It is the phase our bodies go through once we have cleared energetic imbalances in the body such as trapped emotions or memories. Not everyone will have processing symptoms but your practitioner will go over potential symptoms based on your personal session. 

Below are a few examples that can occur: 
Fatigue or extreme tiredness often accompanies the processing phase. The body is busy realigning energy and reconnecting with previously blocked areas, leading a person to feel compelled to rest. Many people even find themselves unexpectedly falling asleep during the day, despite not typically doing so. Some people may experience a lingering lack of energy for a couple of days post-session though this is rare.
Hangover-like symptoms, from headaches to feeling heavy and sluggish, are common, especially if clients haven't been hydrating adequately during the processing period. These symptoms resemble those of alcohol-related dehydration, highlighting the importance of staying hydrated during processing.
Emotional echoes can surface, creating a roller-coaster of emotions during processing. Cleared emotions may resurface temporarily, intensifying the experience, though clients often come to see this as a positive sign of impending change.
Temporary exacerbation of previously addressed physical symptoms is not uncommon. Many clients report symptoms worsening briefly before disappearing entirely. Understanding these processing symptoms is crucial for navigating the healing journey effectively.
What happens when I booked an hour but it took 30 minutes?
In your session, the focus isn't on time but on clearing the imbalances your body can handle. Whether it's one imbalance in five minutes or more, trust that your body knows the right order and pace for clearing. It's adept at determining what can be safely addressed during each session.
Affirmations vs Belief Code:
Affirmations are positive statements repeated to reinforce a desired belief or outcome over time. They gradually shape our mindset through consistent repetition. On the other hand, a belief code is a technique designed to rapidly implant a new belief in just 30 seconds. It involves a structured process that taps into the subconscious mind, bypassing conscious resistance to embed the belief swiftly and effectively.